A Week At Radio 1

First off a big thanks to Colin Murray, Jimmy Devlin and Deirdre [spell?] for having me shadow them this week. They were really fun guys to work with and I really enjoyed my time with them. Secondly, thanks to Neil Sloan for organising it all and for supervising Dan and I when we were let […]

Glastonbury 2007

The ticketman: Will Butler Congratulations to everyone that got Glastonbury tickets, commiserations to those who did not. To those of you that engaged in a rather frantic MSN conversation with me then you need to know that Will Butler was in fact the star of the show and was processing all your details at Glasto-Ticket-Wales-recycling-plant […]

A week since the end

It’s been a week now since the very last Andrew Jackson Show. As much I am now enjoying my Monday evenings and Wednesday afternoons student radio will be sorely missed and I can only encourage people to get involved and make the most of Fuse FM or your respective student radio stations while you can. […]

The End of an Era

Well in the words of The Specials this is definetly the dawning of a new era. An era where no longer will my peers and associates me plagued with facebook invites, messages, texts and emails. That can only mean one thing, The Andrew Jackson Show is coming to an end. However, we’re not going out […]

The Truly Penultimate Show

The Andrew Jackson Show is here for its penultimate show… for ever! But boy have we got a rammed show for you today [I don’t know how we’re going to fit it in]. This week’s topic as some of you may have heard at the end of last week’s show is man crushes. That form […]

Getting Old: The Andrew Jackson Show

Well really this post should be The Andrew Jackson Show: Getting Old, but it could be seen either way, this is show 26 after all. That’s right, after the discovery of a triplet of grey hairs sprouting from my forehead this week I’m going to be talking about getting old, its virtues and vices. Although […]

Happy Timothy Whitmore Day!

The Andrew Jackson Show is BACK! [tomorrow] We’re broadcasting on 103.5 FM and online at www.fusefm.co.uk on Wednesday 14th February. Furthermore our very first show of the broadcast is on [the now famous since this time last year] Timothy Whitmore Day! Tune in and celebrate the life and wonderfulness that is Timothy Whitmore [and forget […]


Well its now more than a week since we left for ‘The Dam’, and if I remember correctly it was a darn sight sunnier in Holland than it is here in miserable wet Manchester, but hey, Manchester has hills and you can’t have it all. I won’t blab on too great a deal as I […]

February 2007 Fuse FM Broadcast

So, Fuse FM is back for one more broadcast and Dan and I are back for our last. This is everyone’s last ever chance to listen to The Andrew Jackson show live on Fuse FM. In a nut shell this is what you need to know… # Dan and I have bagged the exclusive Wednesday […]


Late I know, but I finally got around to uploading all those large videos and the photos of what was for me, an excellent night. I got to Pangaea nice and early on the Saturday to set up the CDJs in the Twisted Folk Tent which was hosted by non-other than Simon Borkin of Tariff […]