British Youth In Crisis

This institutionalized inequality doesn’t only harm low achievers. The system emphasizes academic attainment over social development. British children start school earlier and sit more exams than other Europeans. Many of them complain of stress. “Britain is a very individualistic culture, in which a huge emphasis is placed on personal success and less on good fellowship,” […]

Social Media and UK Politics

“Back in 2003 Tony Blair launched a laudably big online conversation – called the Big Conversation, in fact – but it hasn’t been heard from since (it’s currently a Big HTTP 500 Internal Server Error). We can assume that it wasn’t a success…” I’m almost too ashamed at the level of geekiness in that quote […]

The Poles Are Coming!

Well in case you missed The Poles Are Coming! last night on BBC2, a programme from the BBC’s White season, I have managed to condense an hour programme into three key clips. First up from Lithuania, Tomas Jankovicius lets us know how hard he works, and what he gets for it. Second, from Poland, Mariusz […]

Alabama 3 Live at Brixton Academy

A slimmed down version of the full band supporting The Levellers on their Beautiful Nights 20th Anniversary tour. More on the band here. Formats available:Microsoft Video (.avi)