Tache + 22

The end of Movember has arrived and boy have we done well. £375.01!!! I’d like to thank everyone that has donated as I’ve raised almost double the amount from last year. So that’s a big thanks to Caroline, Richard H, Damian, Chris, Ian, Sarah, James, Robert, Richard W, Beata, Phil S, Dad, Julie, Wallace, Jonny, […]

Tache + 18

Okay, so the night before the Movember Gala Party I reckon its time to unveil some comparison shots. Have I lived up to the benchmark? Is it worthy of a donation? Click the pictures for a close up.

Tache + 16

It appears three weeks of Mo growing have reached my natural length – any longer and I shan’t be keeping to the style guide I set myself at the start of the month. So the Mo has had a little trim and some neatening of the edges, and I reckon its looking GOOOOD!* Thanks for […]

Tache + 8

Donning the half rims to give the tache a more educated look. Hmmm. Maybe not. Thanks to everyone’s donations over the weekend! I’ve now smashed the £200 barrier and beaten last year’s total. Well done all!

Tache + 7

So its been a week of mo growing, and a close up of the upper lip reveals my facial hair’s tendency to go multi-coloured. Rate and donate my mo!