Sarajevo, Bosnia

Hi all, Well this is probably my last blog before I come home. I apologise for the somewhat poor effort recently but i was half way through doing one in Montenegro and the time ran out. Basically the last few days have seen us travel from Budva in Montenegro up through into croatia, changing our […]

Durres, Albania

Hey ya’ll, Righty, not much time to say owt but here goes. Tirane definitely does the best kebabs of eastern Europe… none of this give you all chips and salad and a tiny bit of meat lark that cracks off in Bulgaria. However am a little concerned about all the men with big guns about. […]

Tirane, Albania

Dear all, First off. Thank you Zach, a great chap from the states studying at harvard business school, he has just been on the site and sent me some feedback on how to get from Tirane to Budwar in one easy step. Legend. You can see his big cheesy grin on the picture of ‘the […]

Ohrid, Macedonia

Dear all, This is day 2 in Macedonia… I think. Everything is all a bit messed up because we came over on an overnight coach will decided to get in about an hour and a half early which meant we were in Ohrid around 3:30am [GMT+1] local time. Luckily a kind old geeza had a […]

Sofia, Bulgaria

Hi there, Just a quick post to say that we’ve arrived in Sofia and that I’m pleasantly surprised. The journey down was relatively uneventful although me and claudio were cutting it fine getting the coach from Veliko Tarnovo, since we got to the ticket office just a few minutes before the coach left and we […]

Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Dear all Well, I’ve left the fun fun sea side resort of Varna and am now back on the road. Its official, I’m on my way home. The total length of the trip is 39 days and we’re on day 23. Whats more Varna was the most easterly place we’ll go to, so suppose coming […]

Varna, Bulgaria

Dear all, Well, the journey from Bucharest was an interesting one. First off we were cutting it pretty fine getting to the train station but then when we arrived we found that our train was 50 minutes late. Thats not too bad to be fair when you consider that there was a train going to […]

Bucharest, Romania

Dear anyone who is at all mildly interested… First off. dan, not sure of your spelling of blummin ‘eck on the last comment, your strange southern St Albans interpretation metamorphasising into blimmin. Also in the last image link you may want to alter the arrow slightly so it does a dog leg at Ruse on […]

Brasov, Romania: Day Tripping

Dear all, Brasov has been excellent so far. After the last post I didn’t really spend too much time doing anything particular or exciting, just chilling really and playing too much N64. Yesterday we went on a day trip around the sites outside of Brasov. We paid 10 quid per person which is well over […]

Brasov, Romania

Dear Dan Claudio is going to give you so much stick for that email, and by the way it went into my junk mail. Dear everyone else [and dan I suppose], First off here is the map so far [note addition of Arad and Brasov, actually due to crappy PCs running on windows 95 I […]