Jack and Larco
The porterhouse
The porterhouse
The state of weather presenters today.
The state we’re in.
Adaptation of Bertold Brecht’s play at the National Theatre. Only £15 with travelex tickets. I enjoyed it…
Hungover? Most of your housemates not around for the weekend? Why not write a song about them, I did. This was supposed to be a classic guitar anthem to rival Coolio Coolio but after firing up the Mac we were far too tempted by the 80s synthy goodness. So here it is: MC Andy Fresh […]
Love the beat of this ad. Santigold – Creator [vs. Switch and FreQ Nasty]
Predictable Not helpful The swirly ‘progress’ graphic will haunt me in my sleep. Argh! Not quite confirmation but a positive negative?
£7.63 for two tickets!!! What a joke.
In a desperate attempt to try and remain in touch with what’s going on in the world of music I subscribe to the Nialler9 podcast. Nialler9 is a top Irish blogger I came across in my Anablogue days and his monthly podcast keep me abreast of what’s happening and entertain me on a Friday’s commute. […]
Some absolute classics here, including: “THANK YOU FOX NEWS FOR KEEPING US INFROMED” “LIBERIALS ARE STEALING MY LIBERTY” Just another example of how ‘socialism’ is a dirty word in the states (as opposed to an acceptable philosophical influence in Europe). From HolyMoly.com