Month: August 2010
Stag Day II
Back At The Ranch
Chickens, chillis, and water barrels.
Worship at C.A.M.P. for Club.The.Mammoth
Boris Bike Cycle Station Infographics
Thanks to @londoncyclist for tweeting a link to this very nice dynamic visualisation of Barclay’s Cycle Hire station capacity by UCL’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA). Here are a few screen shots I took of the vis from last night and this morning. The Commuter Rush In the image below you can see the […]
Velib versus Boris Bike
The Evening Standard (below) claims the Boris bike compares favourably with Paris’s Velib. Yet there’s more Velib’s, more docking stations, covering a larger area, charging less for annual subscription, costing the taxpayer less, weighing less and closing roads along the city’s river every week rather than once a year. Go figure.
Aire’s Bar
Chilling in the sunshine before Lizzie’s big night out.
First Friday at Orange Labs
Enjoy work aka the yellow people.