The Talented Ear/Crib Artists Debate

Look I’ve just about had it up to here with artists sampling old school songs. I know there are those that will claim it is making the music accessible when samples are used, as a fellow fusebie recently commented on Sarah Vale’s review show, but the two examples I have here are 75% the original […]

Super Star DJs… Here We Go!

Okay, so I was able to disappear off to Manchester at the start of this week on the proviso that it would improve my career prospects, and wasn’t just a jolly like last time. It turned out to be about half right… Pablo’s Finest Hour As you may or may not know, all of October […]

My favourite band, not yours!

Its the same old “I really love this band” story until they get popular and then everyone has heard of them – even the too-much-fake-tan type girls you’d expect to see posing in Loaf and Romp. Well its happening to those cute scouse lads The Wombats. I had to deny it at first when guesting […]

Great advert. Shit paper.

I’ve been told that this advert has been on the tele for ages! Just shows you how much I watch ITV really… Anyway, after a little aside on the Spooks trailer I thought I’d highlight this as well. A nice bit of stereotyping [what more would you expect from the Mail] combined with a Gladiator-esque […]

Comparing Exilims

I probably shouldn’t upload this because it doesn’t really do any favours for me. Instead I just look like a right dick. See how no one actually takes any notice of me? Years of training… Formats available: Microsoft Video (.avi)

Thames River Festival Fireworks

A truly awesome show, fired off two barges, with me right in the middle of the two. Probably the best fireworks I’ve ever seen. Formats available: Microsoft Video (.avi)

DJ Yoda at Fabric

DJ Yoda drops the Super Mrio Bros 1 theme tune from when he goes underground blup blup blup… Formats available: Microsoft Video (.avi)

Spooks: Series 6

Arrrrrrrrrghhh! Yes that’s right, this Tuesday at 9pm will see the return of BBC MI5 drama Spooks. I am very excited. The last series was absolutely fantastic, every episode and every subject matter was so spot on with today’s current political climate. It was almost as if the episode had been recorded the previous week […]