It’s been a week now since the very last Andrew Jackson Show. As much I am now enjoying my Monday evenings and Wednesday afternoons student radio will be sorely missed and I can only encourage people to get involved and make the most of Fuse FM or your respective student radio stations while you can.
Nevertheless it isn’t all doom and gloom. First up, Mr. Harry Garne of Anablogue and Wilfully Twisted fame has been named head of music. As many of you may know Harry was assistant station manager this year and many expected him to apply for ‘the big one’ for next year. However, this wasn’t to be so, but Harry assures me there are even more enthusiastic, dedicated and talented people than him vying for the job, so all you fusebies make sure you’re there to vote at the end of the year.
On a slightly different note, this week is the week of the union elections. I can not stress how important it is for you to vote, even as a third year. This is the largest university in the country and last year 94% of students didn’t vote. That is truly disgusting. And don’t even say that union politics is a waste of time because you don’t get involved. The reason why union politics is in such a sorry state of affairs is because the people voted in by a minority of the student populace are not representative of the majority. Quick way to solve that… go and vote. Interestingly enough three second year PPEists are up for posts of Gen Sec, Student Direct Officer and Environment and Ethics Secretary. Find out more about them over here.
Bringing things back to radio, a demonstration of why a good union is so important is so that the radio station can get bigger and better. One uni to aspire to is Cardiff; they have the Guardian student newspaper of the year and get well behind their student radio station so that they can pull off big launch nights – just like the one I videoed here.
If you listened into last weeks show [if you didn’t then it is still available for a short period of time on the podcast] then you will know that the week before I wrote a letter to Swizzels Matlow confectionery company highlighted to them the lack of a ‘refreshing centre’ in a succession of strawberry refresher bars. Today I got some post from Mr Matlow and Mr Swizzels with some freebies to say sorry. For the whole story including my original letter have a ganders here.
If I haven’t made you write it in your diaries already I will be presenting [with Dan] the Early Breakfast Show on Friday 20th April on 97 to 99 One FM. Admittedly that show is on from 5-7am, but come share by early morning pain and listen in… or use the listen again function. “So you’re listening to Andy and Dan on early breakfast on radio one, text in on 81199 if you have any views on crumpets…”
Finally, if you ever fancy a good look back to the glory days of The Andrew Jackson Show I’ve uploaded a Fuse FM gallery to the uni part of the site.