The Andrew Jackson Show Podcast!

There’s a brand new Andrew Jackson Show podcast to accompany the new show which broadcasts 4-6PM Thursdays. Just paste into iTunes under ‘Advanced’ and then ‘Subscribe to Podcast’. Just the ticket if you missed the show. Enjoy.

The Andrew Jackson Show

The Andrew Jackson Show is back! For the next four weeks you can listen to me and Dan The Dancing Mixingdesk Man live on Fuse FM. We broadcast on 87.9FM within the Manchester area but also online at In order to listen online you’ll need either winamp, realplayer, or itunes and then follow this […]

Cat Stuff

Well, whilst bored this evening and feeling like I have no friends I’ve done a bit of internet procrastination. First stop was a friend of mine’s messenger screen name: A brief ganders at their top moggies gives you an idea at what they’re getting at. Also check out their complaints page for a directory […]

DreFest Photos Uploaded

I’m finally getting round to sorting all the stuff out from this summer. First up are the drefest 2006 photos. Just me and the lads with a brief visit from Rosie and The Kooks.

South East Asia Videos

I’ve just managed to upload all my videos from my trip this summer onto youtube and they areavailable on the video section of the website as well as at the andresworld youtube HQ. Thank goodness for uni’s high speed connection [200kb/s upload], otherwise I’d have been here all week.

Home Safely

Today Tim and I arrived safely back from South East Asia after our six weeks away and then a 17 hour flight home. I get back to Manchester on Sunday evening and will have the travel photos up soon after then but for the mean time you can view our route and all the photos […]

Quote of the day

“To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.” Life of Pi,by Yann Martel

An image from Vietnam

This is the image of Thich Quang Duc who burnt himself alive on June 11th, 1963 in protest against the North-South conflict in Vietnam. Photo from

Luang Prabang

Argh! I hate it when PCs decide to shut down for no apparent reason. Anyways, well I was saying something along the lines of [until never be quite as good as the original]… This will be my last significant post of the journey as from now on its the homeward bound. The journey from Vang […]

Tony Blair’s departure strategy: appear on Blue Peter…

The following is from the Guardian Unlimited website and was posted on Tuesday September 5th here An exit strategy for Tony Blair’s departure from government has been spelled out down to the last detail in a leaked memo compiled by some of his closest aides, it was reported today. The five-page document details plans for […]