Kia Ora
‘An all that.
Well kids its been a fun few hectic days in NZ. After leaving Mike and OLga in West Auckland I spent a night at Auckland Central Backpackers. It was good fun, there was a BBQ in the afternoon, 10 bux to get in and then theres a keg – pretty much drink till ure happy, and of course some burgers and hotdogs. It was a sunny day up on the 6th floor and I met a guy who i had met before in Raro. Got chatting, made a few friends at the barbie, including a few swedes, guy called steffen and a girl called lotdgi or something a bit like Lottie as in teh DJ.
Anyhow went down to teh globe bar had a few to drink on ye olde buy one get one free from the STRAY representative [he also promised me a free t-shirt, not sure when thats going to happen], anyways crooks of the story is that i got back to my dorm to change, got changed chatted to some very lovely nortehrn irish ladies.
And then never left the dorm, yes it was true the light weight king had had one too many and my night was over at half past eight in the evening. Next thing i know i’m waking up in the dark at 3 am fully clothed. Then i couldnt get to sleep cos some guy in my dorm was gritting his teeth – ahhhhhh.
The past few days have been cool though, even if i have been spending them in the presence of a forest fan. First stop was Raglan which is on the west coast. I spent two nights there, the first of which i took advantage of teh all u can eat dinner which for us that night was a very nice cajun chicken lasgane and salad [its true you do miss ure greens]. The next day was a lazy one, caught up on some kip, and in teh afternoon went for a surfing lesson, even though i had been surfing before and had had lessons i seemed to have forgotten all knowledge and found it pretty difficult. Had problems with my left foot going behind me in a goofy stylee but as soon as that was sorted i was…… ok. Anyways i was the laast out teh water and could have been there until the sun was set – really enjoyed it and must do some more somewhere.
Err the next day we travlled off to Hahei via the Waitomo caves, i took the cheap option and didnt go black water rafting but instead went for a couple of walks which i’m sure were equally enjoyable. Left there around 3pm and zoomed up to the north east until we hit the east coast. That evening me and some of teh girlies went down to hot water beach which was most fun. Basically there is a hot water spriong and at low tide when the cold sea is out you can dig a big hole and have a bath, its not salty water – just a bit of sulphur. I didnt realise the extent to which every one was up for this, i was going to just dabble me fit in the pool, as it happens i have half a dozen girls down to their bikinis in teh bus ready for the warmth [i did the decent thing and looked away i can assure you].
That was good fun, the next day we went for another walk up teh coast to a place called cathedral cove which was dead nice, after my long hot walk i spontaneously jumped into the sea. As a result the walk home was accompanied by itchybollockitis and a little chaffing. That evening we went to Uncle Boys house which is this geeza who id half Mauri and Half english and he put uis up in his house and showed us around Maketu his Mauri village. He fed us, i had lots of beef – hmmm red meat and protein so goooood. Then some of the local geezas come round and sing and dance for us. Then they taught us teh haka which was tremendous fun, got some scary shots of me on other peoples cameras i tell you – gets u well pumped up. Then the girls did the pois [balls on string – spelling?] for us. After that sorta listened to jusic had a few to drink and then kipped inthe lounge.
And now we are here to today. I’m in rotrua at the mo, smells of eggs cos there is so much thermal activity. Tommorrow i shud be off to do some white water rafting which will be fun and the day after that i’m off to Taupo where the is a big lake. Depending on how brave i’m feeling i might jump out of a plane. We shall see eh?