Across the Channel

Dear All

Well I’m back in the “Empire” where the keyboard looks a little more familiar. I’m on the cook islands at the mo and I’m already enjoying it more than Tahiti. Moorea was a really nice place to stay maybe even nicer than the cooks. The island had some really cool geography with tall sharp peaks and lushious greenery. The problem is that its French, no offence the the French, but you ruined the island. The people are a little miserable and not really willing to help you out at all, and I as I said earlier everything is supremely over priced.

In contrast the cooks islands are very much the opposite. I got in to the cooks early sunday morning after a rough night in the airport. Immediatly we were greeted by a crazy guitar playing local geeza, even though it was not even 7am. Got through customs [had a stamp this time – yeah!], and then went to the Vara’s Beachhouse desk. Luckily there was enough room for me and my mates so we dumped our stuff in a pickup and they took us [for free] from the aiport to the hostel, via the ATM [which works, even my switch!! God bless this nation], with a little guided tour included.

Where I’m staying is really cool, its right on the beach, there are good cooking facilities, showers and all the usual stuff. The people are really sound. Its quite a large hostel so there is a good vibe, people share making meals, and last night i just sat down and chatted with a few ‘tinnies’. Its only about a tenner a night aswell.

So far I havent really done much while I’ve been here, last night was my first, I slept during much of the afternoon, and it was raining cats and dogs in a big style. My plan to go to aitutaki were blown out becos I’d have to spend far too long there, instead I might treat myself to another dive. The dives here are pretty cheap about 40 quid for a two tank. I’ve realised that I can probably do dives becos I still have my log book, and apprently they can look me up on a database or network or something.

You can also rent scooter/moped here for about 10 squid a day, less if you go for longer, you have to take a little test to get ure liscence but I’ve heard that no one ever fails – just a money making scheme. I’ll probably get one for a couple of days when the weather brightens up and do a tour of the island or something.

Anyhow I’ve gotta dash becos I need to get some food from the store and then catch the bus. I’ll hopefully have some photos up soon, just need to find a cafe that’ll give me access to a USB port….



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