…well until Monday at least.
I’ve given myself the week off. Its the least I deserve after spending the past five weeks trapped in my room watching the sunny days going by. But thankfully the dissertation has been handed in and I’m sure that’s a load off of everyone’s mind. A lot of people have asked me what my dissertation was about and said it sounded quite interesting. I apologise for not being more enthused by your polite enquiries at the time, so if you’d like to find out what the finished article was all about have a ganders over here.
However, much more exciting than doing the dissertation was celebrating having done it. I took lots of photos of people enjoying the sunshine with a pint outside the union. I would say they were out for my 22nd birthday, but that’d be lie. Although some kind souls bought me a pint. Bless. Photos here.
Last night saw what can only be described as an invasion by the PPE massive of the BA Econ Ball. Big thanks to the BA Econ committee for organising the ball and offering us a discount. Thanks to Kate, Lydia, Dom, Lizzie, Ben, Chellsie and everyone that was involved in getting all the PPEers money together to buy our bulk tickets. I couldn’t quite believe that students could be so organised. And of course a big thank you to all the PPEers and their guests that attended. It was really good to have you all their and I hope you enjoyed yourselves.
Photos of the night are available here, and some videos here and here. Well played to the tables that won prizes by the way. The third year table didn’t get owt, accusations of a fix are continuing for a second year.