The final episode is now available on The Andrew Jackson Show Podcast for all to enjoy at your leisure. I’m afraid that will be it for now, or at least until next February from The Andrew Jackson Show. Nonetheless, all you avid podcast fans out there can relive the good times and the bad from the accrued 8ish hours that Dan and I have been on air.
The winners of our £50 Felicni Giveaway were Amelia Hendry and Bonnie Posselt. As you can see from the picture that was sent into the studio below, Bonnie is in fact partial to a bit of cornflakes and ketchup – thats when she’s not eating pilchards and cream. Filth. Disappointed that you didn’t win? Well have no fear, Fuse FM are hosting an online competition to win an LG Chocolate Pink phone. Just keep an eye on the Fuse FM website for more details.