Thorpedale, Wilson’s Prom, and Delhuntie Park

Dear all

Just a little update on my current situation. Well last friday i flew from Auckland to Melbourne and got into OZ around 65 pm. I managed to scab a free lift into Melbourne city centre where I followed scots instructions [after much texting] and got on a suburban train to Frankston. Scot had just been to a party [altho he hadnt been drinking – cos he’s sensible and has gone alll t total on me] and he picked me up and we drove to a little village called Thorpedale where his grandparents live. We got in around 1.30am and i went to bed. Which was nice.

Since, we have been car hunting. The idea is that I sell my oz experience pass [somehow] and we get a car and take it up the east coast. petrol is a little cheaper here but then ure not going to find a nice economical 1.4 lt engine – they’re all massive things 2.4s and such. Currently we’re looking at a yellow ford cortina station wagon which is big enoughh to sleep in, so we can save a few pennies there. Me and scot are thinking of spending alternate nights in a hostel, so one sleeps in teh car and the other in the hostel but we can both share the facilities if we’re crafty.

We’ve also been down to Wilson’s prom, a national park, and burnt thru 20 dollars of petrol which made me realise how important feul economy is. I say my first roo and emu. Scot tried to chase after them to get better pictures; unsuprisingly they ran away. Went for a walk up mnt oberon, the grand sum of 535m high, and then jogged back down [very athletic for me].

On teh sunday just gone we went to Delhuntie park, which is where [i have now discovered] ossies train to be fearless stunt performing extreme sports crazy people. It was a dolar to get in [bargain] and there were tonnes of activities. Me and scot did a massive zip line/flying fox which took us right across a path, cabin, lake and play area – we had to be buckled in of course. Then we went on a ladder walk, ie two ropes strung across the lake and then boards between the two. It was well wobbly, we both went across at the same time and of course scot tried to make it difficult for me as i failed to cope with my vertigo. Next up was watching a tank drive over a car – as you do. Then some abseiling – the first proper abseiling i’ve really done – about 50ft which was high enough for me. Then a little rock climbing, scot got to the top but i stopped just below – not quite having as good upper body strenth as scot. Finally – and this was the biggy – a massive swing called RIP. This involved being strapped into a harness, buckled on the hoisted around feet into the air towards a tree once there you have to push a lock to release yourself [the hardest part] then u rush towards to the ground and back into the air again – pretty darn cool. However thats enough adrenaline for me for a while.

Me and scot are hopefully gonna try and get away for this saturday because i only have four weeks after that and we have 3500 kms to cover – at least. Should be good, see if we can pick up a few lonely backpackers out there who want a cheap trip. Will try and get some more piccies up of mine and scots outings soon.



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