After a certain amount of prompting and attempts to avoid writing my essay I have resurrected some old galleries that got lost when andresworld was changed over to its new sexy mature brown guise. Three main galleries of note are German Christmas Markets Trip, Becky’s Party and Glasto 2003.
The German Christmas Markets Trip gallery also includes some photos of a random trip down to the canal when I think Hannah and Angela drank all my homebrew when I went off to get paper to make a fire. When I got back they were pole dancing. ‘Nuff said. The Becky’s Party gallery includes photos of one of her house parties as well as some random photos of Duncan posing with his bass guitar and some ickle year seven photos of various Chellaston boys and girls. Finally, Glasto 2003 includes a few webcam shots of Jam, my dad and I from the Leftfield tent.
All this digging led me to also dig out the legendary Punk in Drublic CD by [I quote] “Dré and Dunc Live @ Becky’s Party”. It is however, truly horrendous. Its proof that I can neither drum or sing and given that most of the tracks are played by Duncan, obviously not trusted with a guitar either. The following are a few samples of songs I think Duncan and I either wrote of made up on the spot, however Duncan was going through his Blink 182 phase and at times I’m not sure whether it’s their dirty lyrics or Duncan’s foul mouth.
The Chicken Man OST – My Friend Bernard
The Chicken Man OST – My Friend Bernard [our opener for the night and proof that I have no rythm]
Duncan and Hannah – Searching For Jamie
Duncan and Hannah – Searching For Jamie
[while Hannah was throwing up in the downstairs loo as I recall]
The Frombrero Song ‘Take Off Your Top’ Come To The Party
The Frombrero Song ‘Take Off Your Top’ Come To The Party
[don’t ask]
Andre and Duncan – Come To The (Piss Piss) Party
Andre and Duncan – Come To The (Piss Piss) Party
[by far the track of the night, lovely vocal harmonies]
Oh to be drunk and 15 (?) again. It makes me cringe.