Dear all,
Well, I’m now in Fiji, Nadi to be precise [pronounced Nandi]. I have just spend the last twelve nights in rarotonga which i really enjoyed. There was a great crowd at Varas guesthouse where i stayed and i just generally sank into island life. As you can tell from my previous posts things were a little action packed the first few days what with partying and diving [which was ok but not as good as the carribbean, coral was pretty beat up from teh typhoons they get here]. It slowed down though and for my last week I zipped around a few places on the moped – managing not to crash which was good cos i didnt have a helmet. Went out a few more nights but didnt drink cos i was driving – responsible like that you see. Erm, did a lot of reading, started and finished ‘Silence of the Lambs’ which was good and am now just starting ‘Life of Pi’ which is supposed to be really good but its slow to start.
Anyhow rarotonga, when i come to think of it a lot of my time was spent drinking beer with the Muri Lagoon Gentlemens Club [oi oi!!] , sunbathing and reading. Oh, and cooking – my diet has imprved since the days of jam and bread. I did rent out a kayak on thursday and went right up to the barrier reef and even explored a little motu. I had done some snorkelling which was ok, however it did get a little shallow at times which was worrying cos i saw one or two stone fish -not the nicest of creatures, step on it and its like “race ya to the hospital?”. EXTREME SNORKELLING!
Fiji, well just got in, crossed the international date line which was weird becos my saturday was practically none existent, so unlike the rest of you my february really did only have 28 days in it. Just sorting out a few bits and bobs in town, need to book this thing to take me up the yasawas for a few days but i fly out on friday to NZ… i think.
I’ll try and get some piccys up soon, i’ve taken loads since i left tobago, aroun 300 which is pretty much more tan i took in 5 months in the carribbean.